Choosing the best agribusiness loan for your needs will depend on a number of issues. Your cash flow history can go a long way in helping the decision on what will best suit your needs. If your business generates say a monthly income like a milk cheque, then monthly payments may suit your needs. If you receive half yearly or annual income from farming ventures such as cereal or mixed farming then a payment structure can be made to suit.
Agribusiness finance options
The maximum number of years for an agribusiness loan package is generally 15 years. Although longer term options maybe available in the right circumstances. eg may be if the loan to value ratio LVR is low and the cash flow strong.
Deposits for agribusiness lending can also vary dependent on the size and the location of the property. And also the type of farming enterprise it may be. Maximum loan to value ratios can also vary but as a rule of thumb, maximum LVRS are around 70%.